Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Little Cookie Told Me

So yesterday, my tummy was bothering me a bit. It happens fairly frequently, so I'm used to it. When it acts up, all I do is eat simple bland food until it goes away. When lunch time came around, I decided to soothe the rumbling by having wor wonton soup at my favorite Chinese restaurant, Fu Wing Low. Our favorite waiter told us that the name means Happy Honorable House. But he is always pulling my leg, so I don't know if I believe him or not. Anyway, here's a picture of my soup.

It was pretty light and tasty, and didn't bother my belly at all. Remember the Austin Powers movies? There was a character named Fat Bastard who would scream "Get in my bellay!! I'm gonna eat ya!!" That's how I feel today. I am fairly empty, so I am HONGRAY. Luckily, one of my coworkers brought donuts in. And I'm going to dinner at Famous Dave's BBQ tonight. So YAY!!. One other little tidbit from Fu Wing Low. Here is my cookie.


Onto better things, like my outfit. I am totally comfy and light in my clothing, as well as my stomach. Look at this getup:

My skirt is part of a 2 piece set that I have had since the 80s. The skirt is made of two different materials - toile and denim. Here's a closeup of that, along with one of my favorite belts.

Now for the really funny part. The other piece in this set is a denim VEST. HAHAHAHA. Although, I am "unique" enough that I may actually wear that vest at some point. The top is the Banana Republic number that I got at the new Goodwill over the 4th of July weekend. This is the second time I have worn it, and it cost $5.49.

A pretty good purchase. My shoes are a pair of my Steve Madden espadrilles - I have them in blue, red and black. The red and blue ones have been glued back together with Gorilla Glue. Look how good that turned out!!

My necklace is also on repeat. It's made of lapis, and has a very unusual design.

On my left arm, I have a silver bangle and a diamond and sapphire ring. On my right arm, I have a stretchy bracelet made of turquoise bars, and two more sapphire rings. I am feeling gypsy-ish today, with all the rings. My mother told me that it's tacky to wear more than one ring on each hand, but I couldn't decide this morning, so I guess I'll just have to be tacky.

I'll say it for you - "Rosie is tacky? What else is new?" Well, I'm gonna tell you. Today, I am linking up with the beautiful Erin at for Working Girl With Style. Hop on over and look at all the working girls strutting their stuff. See you all later!!!


  1. Coming over from the link-up! Won-ton soup (or soup in general if I'm not near my favorite Chinese place) is my go-to when I don't feel well. I'm sorry you don't feel well, but you look great! That top is so pretty!

    Nicole to the Nines

  2. You remember what Billy Crystal used to say on Saturday Night Live? Darling, it's not how you feel, it's how you look, and you look Mah-vel-luss!!! Thanks for visiting - I love your blog, and I need to leave you a loving comment!!
