Thursday, April 9, 2015

Animal Crackers in My Soup

Today's outfit is a mishmash of animals. The print is zebra inspired, but in a tiger style. Zeeger.

We had a Department of Surgery meeting this morning, and my boss "jokingly" told me to wear something nice for a change. So I jokingly countered with " I don't have anything nice, so give me some money." Even though that works with Doc, no dice with the boss, so I had to wear an old favorite. I topped it with my classic black leather jacket.

I took the opportunity once again to wear an item that will probably be going into storage for the warmer months - my bronze studded black suede boots. They will have to go to the shoe repair for new heel taps first.

The neckline on this marvelously comfortable and flattering dress is a bit deep, so I always fill it in with a black plastic waterfall style necklace.

It's faceted, so it's somewhat sparkly. On my right hand, I have a ring that is carved from agate or some such material, and a bracelet from Coldwater Creek. I got it a couple of years ago when they were closing down in order to revamp their brand. It was originally $69.95 (WTH !!!) but I paid $7.95. It's nice, but not worth the original price.

On my left hand, a pear shape solitaire with the new eternity band that Doc got me for a recent occasion. Also, a black metal stretch bracelet that mimics lace. Some of the black is wearing off, so I will rectify that this weekend with a little paint job.

That's about it for today. Isabel is coming, so my little amiga, Elli, will be quite crabby and upset when I get home. I'm sure that I will be in for a big ration of squeaking and other weird noises coming from her crate.

Thursday's links - first Alice at is hosting Throwback Thursday. She is so sweet - she always comments when I join. Also, Tara at is having What I Wore To Work. Self explanatory. See you all later, and thanks for stopping by!!!