Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Heavy Metal

                                  Today's outfit has a lot of metal trim going on.

This pleated skirt is by my favorite brand, Calvin Klein. It's topped with a tank by Luox, and a soft jersey waterfall cardi that my MIL gave me. Here's a closer look at the trim on the tank.

There are chains and sequins galore!!! I wore my mother of pearl spaceship necklace, since it's smaller and doesn't compete or interfere with all those dangly bits.The cardi also has studs in the shoulder region for more rock and roll vibes.

I could have easily gone beltless, but I tied a black satin ribbon around the waist, just for a little extra oomph.

On my right arm, a vintage bracelet that I fixed over the last long weekend, and a mother of pearl ring. The bracelet is the perfect width to hide my chomp marks from Kenni/Vinni biting me the other day.

On my left arm, my favorite costume silver bracelet with crystals, and another mother of pearl spaceship ring.

I wore my Nine West gray ankle strap shoes for the finishing touch.

Lotsa links today!!! First, Tameka at has Who's Wearing What Wednesday. Then, Liz at has Style Me Wednesday. Next, Lindsey at has What I Wore, and last (I told you there were a lot), Ashleigh at has Trend Spin Linkup.

Well, I have a busy day ahead of me, so I had better get cracking!!! See you later!!!