Friday, April 22, 2016

Happy Earth Day !!!

I celebrated our gorgeous planet by wearing the colors of the sun and the sea :

The yellow jacket is by Talbott's, the navy geometric skirt is by Ann Taylor, and the tank with the attached scarf is by Coldwater Creek. Here's a look without the jacket:

I wore a statement necklace from Charming Charlie that has all the colors in it as well.

My vintage belt is composed of navy cords with gold tone stations.

On my right arm, I am wearing a crystal/enamel ring from Saks, and a trio of sapphire bracelets.

On my left arm, a London Blue topaz ring and a costume gold watch by Vernier.

Since we always buy our free range eggs from grandson Preston, he decided to go all professional on us and have his brand placed on designer egg cartons.

The cartons are recycled by his patrons - after we finish the eggs, he fills up the carton for us.

Well, yesterday was Elli's day at the office. She wasted no time in getting all up close and personal with Elesha.

They are in love. But one of her other besties, Renee, had a bit of jealousy going on, and finally got her one on one time with Elli the Office Pea Pod.

All is well in lovey dovey land.

Four Friday linkups !!! has Fashion Friday, and Deb has Fab Friday over at Then Dawn Lucy from has Fun Fashion Friday. And finally, Sheree at has Weekend Wear.

Well, have  a good weekend !!!  Mine is guaranteed to be better than last week, since I spent that time in an influenza induced stupor.

PS> RIP Prince. I will always love "I Wanna Be Your Lover".

1 comment:

  1. RIP Prince ... so sad. Looking pretty! Thanks so much for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday & have a fab weekend!

    Dawn Lucy
