Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Pandi, Park and Papas Rellenas

This weekend, I made my first attempt at running after my recent back injury. I took my sweet little Pandi to HB Central Park.

She was mesmerized by the sludgy pond. There were fowl footprints everywhere, so I guess they are super interesting.

It was pretty warm, so we tried to stay in the shade.

She really enjoyed herself, and my back did fine. I am still going to take it slow, because I definitely do not want to re-injure it.

On Sunday, I made an old favorite Mexican dish. They are called Papas Rellenas, and they are delicious. They are sausage stuffed potato balls that are rolled in bread crumbs and then deep fried.
It starts with instant four cheese potatoes, and pork sausage fried with onion, peppers, garlic, and cumin.

You make a ball of potatoes in your hand with a glob of sausage in the middle. Then you roll it in flour, beaten egg and then bread crumbs.

As a special touch, I stuffed a piece of cheddar cheese in the middle.

You then roll it between your hands until it has a nice firm ball shape. If you choose to refrigerate them at this point, they will be restaurant quality. If you proceed at this point, like me, they still taste great but are randomly shaped. You'll see at the end.

Then you roll your potato balls in flour, beaten egg, and finally Italian bread crumbs I had to wash my hands between each one - they are super sticky and it uses raw egg. Gotta be careful.

Then the fun part - deep fry then in olive oil until they are golden brown. I use a wide scalloped metal spatula to poke them around and get them brown on all sides.

I drained them on special paper that I got at Daiso, the Japanese store down the street. They are designed to drain tempura.

Then, I topped my delicious hot potato ball with La Victoria salsa in Medium. I wished I had put sour cream  or yogurt and avocado on top- that would have been perfection. It was extremely tasty as is.

Back to work today for a scheduled inspection at the hospital where I work. I wanted to look polished and professional, but I also wanted some style tossed in.

I started with a very basic look, but each piece had a touch of something. The Peck and Peck top has Venice lace trim and cold shoulders. The Bebe pants lace up the sides about a foot.

Then I added a Maggy London silk jacket that is styled exactly like a regular jean jacket, only in an olive print that is sort of animal in nature.

I rolled the cuffs up three times in order to let my bracelets show. The jacket is completely lined in black silk.

I wore a gorgeous vintage matte gold costume necklace with multi stone cabachons.

In the picture above, you can see the jacket print, and below, you can see the trim on the T shirt.

On my right arm, my Montana peridot, and my Hermes CDC.

On my left arm, my seed bead cuff from the Chakra Shack in Laguna Beach and my creept green Nordstrom ring.

So away we go !!
www.highlatitduestyle.com, www.beauty101bylisa.com, www.stylenudge.com, www.notdressedaslamb.com, www.finewhateverblog.com, www.eleganntlyfashionable.com, www.colorandgrace.com, www.bylaurenm.com, www.pinksole.com, www.notdeadyetstyle.com, www.northwestblonde.com, www.morepiecesofme.com,

Have a great day - I have planned a great outfit for tomorrow. Let's see how well I execute it.

1 comment:

  1. ah, nothing better than a happy dog! Love your print jacket too, and thanks for linking up, xo

