Monday, September 26, 2016

Race For the Cure

It was a media weekend. Doc and his office staff represented Bhang at the Race for the Cure in Newport Beach yesterday.

The event was sponsored by the Susan G Komen foundation.

Bhang was generous enough to sponsor me as well.

They made baseball caps, visors and backpack bags, all in the Breast Cancer color pink. As you can see, I was contestant number 13061. The crowd was estimated to be about 20,000.

 Here is a look at the team with bags and hats.

We also got dark grey T shirts. The kids carried a bouquet of pink balloons.

Luckily, the race was at 7:15, because we are having a heat wave here in SoCal. Today, the temperature here on the coast is estimated to reach 95 degrees.

These shots aren't very good. I was running and trying to take pictures with the sun beating down. I didn't start running until 9. The walk was at 7:15. If you try to run while others are walking, it just doesn't work out for the first mile or so, because you end up dodging people. I hope you can see all the cheerleaders, dance teams, Boy Scouts, and bands that were along the sidelines, cheering the participants along.

There were a bunch of vendor booths. I ended up with a slew of T shirts and bags, and snacks like chips and Zone bars.

During this fair, Doc was interviewed by a team who is making a documentary on the use of cannabis for palliative care of hospice patients. Doc has been involved in getting the cannabis products donated to Stage 4 hospice patients free of charge, to help make their last days a bit more bearable.
He has been doing this for about a year and a half.

This is the film crew interviewing him and taping his answers to common questions.

And here is Doc and his office staff.

But there's more!! On Friday, the same film crew came out to Doc's office to film the process of getting the patients registered with the State of California.

Elli came along - after all, she is the spokesmodel for Beach Medical.

The crew set up lighting, cameras and sound.

Then they had Doc do a test shot, to see if he was lit correctly, and if he needed makeup or hair.

As agent, Elli inspected the final set.

Then Doc sat and did a lengthy interview.

And that's a wrap!!!! Stay tuned.

Enough about them.So what did I wear today?

This bright blue trapeze dress came from Macy's. It's a no name brand, but it was cheap and it's cute. I wore my BCBG black suede boots with it, to really give the outfit a 60s vibe.

Three necklaces today - the short one was my mom's and is jade and lapis. The long one was also my mom's, and is Austrian crystal. The middle one has always been mine - it's a lab created emerald.

On my right arm, a London Blue Topaz ring, and two gold/sapphire bracelets.

On my left arm, my yellow gold wedding set (not pictured), a tricolor gold bracelet, and the tennis bracelet that matches the lab created necklace.

Whew. Now for the links. Deb at has Classy Monday, while Cherie at has Shoe and Tell. And we can't forget Patti at and Visible Monday.

See you all later, and thanks for stopping by!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great Doctor and team! Doing good for those who can't help themselves. You look rad too! xo

