Thursday, July 21, 2016

An Aloha from the Past

It's really hot here in SoCal again. I'm fortunate that I work in an air-conditioned environment, but I do have to go outside occasionally. And since we live at the beach, we only need AC about twice a year, so we don't have it at home. Anyway, all this boils down to the fact that I needed a cool and comfy look for today.

I got this embellished navy shift dress in Hawaii at some point in the distant past.  It is made of cotton with bugle bead trim at the notched neckline and at the hem. It's just as comfy as a muumuu.

Here's a look at the trim, and at my two necklaces. The shorter one is lapis and the longer one is blue topaz.

On my left arm, my sapphire/diamond band, a round solitaire, a sapphire tennis bracelet, and a silver bracelet.

On my right arm, a London Blue Topaz ring,  a silver mesh bracelet with blue topaz, and a silver bracelet made of rings.

Doc brought me roses yesterday. I brought him chocolate chip cookies. See Elli lurking in the bottom left with her little red heart covered dress?

Another view of the roses.

Today, along with my regular Thursday links , and, we have two new ones : and

Have a great day, and if you are in SoCal, stay cool out there!!!


  1. We too are trying to stay cool in Delaware but the humidity is killing! Fortunately we have ac in the office but the ac bill at home is going to be sky high! Looking cute in the denim dress. #TopoftheWorldLinkUp

  2. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. You have really awesome jewelry. I love how you wear your jewelry.
