Friday, January 15, 2016

Love Will Keep Us Together

As I have told you, Elli loves being the Brand Ambassador/Spokesmodel for Beach Medical. She resumed her post yesterday, and as soon as she was available, a chart was up for her:

Her BFF Renee helped her prepare for her first patient, and then off they went.

It seemed like this particular visit was taking a while. The room was tied up for far too long. Then, it was noticed that another member of the Beach Medical staff was MIA.

Oh Dr T !!!! Elli is back in your arms!!!! Well, after the discovery of this little goldbricking incident, Elli was sent back to her own office.

Once there, she began happy hour a little early. That's our Elli !!!

Today's Magical Calendar color is purple. However, I chose to buck the trend and use purple as an accent color. It appears in my sweater.

It also makes an appearance in my shoes.

Underneath, I have a Karen Millen dress that my MIL,  Mimi , got for me in her "bargain shop." She didn't recognize the designer label, but she did notice the fine construction and the full lining.

It's sort of a denim type fabirc. As you can see, it has a diagonal zipper detail. The sleeves also have some origami type folding going on there.

And the pockets have several rows of decorative topstitching.

I wore a blue waterfall necklace made of teardrop stones that have some iridescence.

On my right arm, an amethyst/opal ring, a sapphire tennis bracelet, and a crystal bracelet.

On my left arm, two stretchy bracelets that match the necklace, a sapphire/diamond eternity band, and a teardrop solitaire.

And that's it for a long awaited Friday!!! Three links today - Jo Lynne at has Fashion Friday, Deb at has Fab Friday, and Dawn Lucy at has Fun Fashion Friday.

Have a great day, a great weekend, and see you all later!!!

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