Thursday, December 10, 2015

Orlando Opus Magnum

When we last parted, I was on my way to Orlando, Florida, for the Institute for Hospital Improvement conference. Here I am, on the day I left (Dec 6).

I wore my black Fendi pants, a tweed knit top, a red leather jacket, and I carried my new suitcase!!
I was booked inat the Marriott World Center Hotel, and here was my nice room.

It was like all Marriott properites - a VERY nice bed, some amenities, nice decor, and utilitarian bath. You can depend on Marriott for comfort and peace. Here was the view out my sliding door (with an actual balcony!!!)


I took only tried and true outfits. I also did not take any more than I needed. I tend to overpack, but I did good this trip. On Day One - we went to tour Orlando Regional Medical Center, a beautiful hospital that has about 1000 beds. That is huge. They also have Arnold and Winnie Palmer Children's Hospital. Winnie was his wife and she died of cancer. No pictures,due to basic privacy of the patients.
Here is what I wore:

My Saks two tone dress with the hematite border on the edge of the ivory part. I wore my Joan Rivers convertible pearl necklace.

Unfortunately,it was a casualty of the trip. There is always at least one. This time there were two. Stay tuned.

On my left arm, a black leather and red bead cuff from Spiegel, and a mother of pearl ring.


On my right arm, a large garnet ring (the other casualty) and my leather and crystal cuff form Baltimore.

That night, we went to a restaurant called Johnny"s Hideaway. First, had a Tennessee Rockefeller cocktail. Then we had frog legs, fried gator, crab fritters, and portobello mushrooms for our appetizers.

We all got different entrees, but we had a side of lobster macaroni and cheese:

My friend that sat next to me got a petite filet mignon.

I got the waiter's recommendation, the Giant Madagascar Shrimp. I have had nothing like this ever before. It was delicious, but I cannot describe the taste, other than to say it was heaven.

On Tuesday, the actual conference started. Here is the logo:

Here is what I wore:

An All That Jazz dress. It is reminiscent of Diane Von Furstenberg. I wore my plastic waterfall necklace

On my left arm, the Spiegel leather cuff and my mother of pearl ring.

On my right arm, my metal "lace" INC cuff and my hematite ring.

That afternoon. the keynote speaker was Earvin Magic Johnson.

 We got really good seats, and they displayed him on the big screen.

He talked about his battle with HIV, and how the people who live in economically depressed areas suffer because they have inadequate health care.

He answered every question, hugged everybody, gave his card for his foundation to many, and was generally open, charismatic and honest about what happened.

Someone actually asked him what he thought of Charlie Sheen, and he said that he hopes Charlie uses his fame to help the cause.

 Here he is, with Maureen Biscagnano, the founder of IHI. She is retiring after 27 years on the job. She is as close to Mother Teresa as it gets in today's healthcare climate.

That night, there was a pool party. I went, along with four others in our group. The food was good, but the drinks were sooooo overpriced. JW Marriott was LDS, so it's a concession for the company to serve booze at all. The next day, I moderated a session. The doctor was an absolutely gorgeous French Canadian from Ontario. I did NOT mind the extra duties one tiny bit. If I were only 30 years younger....... I kid, I kid. Anyway, here is what I wore:

 My DS dresses DNA dress from Saks. So thick and lovely. As you know, I have the perfect resin necklace.

On my right arm, a safety pin bracelet and my hematite ring.

On my left arm, my leather Spiegel cuff and my mother of pearl ring.

After the conference was over, I Ubered to the Orlando Premium Outlet Mall. I got a nice Calvin Klein belt in gold leather with a big logo buckle.

It was very reasonably priced. I also got two items at Ann Taylor. First, I got a beige and white cardi.

It's kind of a large plaid. I got a matching necklace as well. Very nicely priced.

And that is the end of my tale. That's why I have been gone all week. But I will link away like mad, although this week, I will not mention websites - I wiil rely on my pix alone, which is a very unrecommended proposition. I will do better. I appreciate everyone who reads, and I beg your understanding. See you later!!!

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