Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Rainbow Brite

I was somewhat challenged with these Calvin Klein pants. They are such a pretty color, but I have a hard time finding things to wear with them. So today, I went for the obvious: White.

This knit sweater is by INC. It is a very lacy knit, so I wore a white cami underneath. Here's a better look at the texture:

I got the multicolor scarf at Charming Charlie's 75% off sale a couple of weeks ago. It has tiny hot pink pompoms around the two edges. It's an infinity scarf.

I found the shoes during my recent garage/closet purge, and even though they don't really match, I wore them anyway. My Neiman Marcus pumps from yesterday gave me a blister on one of my heels.
The shoes are gold velvet wedges with amber cabochons and clear crystals on one of the crossover straps.

On my right arm, I wore the blue bracelet that I fixed over the long weekend, It came from Speigel (remember them?)

On my right arm, my Swarovski Nirvana in Indolite, along with a plastic hinged bracelet, also by INC.

So let's link away!! Another new linkup came into my email box yesterday. Grace from is hosting Color and Grace. (I fit the color part, the grace.......). Then Tameka at has Who's Wearing What Wednesday.  And Allison from has Wednesday Pants. I wear skirts and dresses way more often than pants, but today, I made it!!! And last, Lindsey from has What I Wore. I am definitely going to try and check these ladies out later today, and have a great Hump Day!!!

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