Friday, June 19, 2015

It's Friday, and It's Fabulous!!!

For some reason, (maybe PTSD from our inspection) I am really happy to see that it's finally Friday, and the weekend is upon us. I have a hike with my hiking group tomorrow, then a party for Preston's 6th birthday, then Father's Day on Sunday, so there's some fun on the horizon.

My friend Marty called me a week or so ago, because he needed help finding a new job. I called a bunch of my old friends, and one of them was Adam. We chatted for a while, and Adam is going to help Marty. Then he told me that his dog, Hazel, died on Valentine's Day. She was 14, and had diabetes and cataracts and just general poor health. He still misses her dearly. He sent me a picture of her.

RIP, Hazel. Adam loved her so much. I recommended that he ask around and find another dog who needs a home, like my Elli, my Kenni, and my Vinni. Hopefully, there will be a happy ending.

What am I wearing today? Well, yesterday, the gift shop at the hospital had a sale. I always buy something, since the money goes to support our Foundation, and we are a non-profit entity. Here's what I got:

I specifically asked Jennifer, who runs the gift shop, if they had any of those scarves with the dangly things. This one is sky blue jersey, and the silver pieces can be taken off and put on other scarves. Here's how I styled it.

This is a polyester floral skirt from a random strip mall store, and a long cardigan from Nordstrom. I went with my Carlos Santana gladiator sandals because they are neutral.

On my right hand, a turquoise cuff that Doc got me in Gorman, Caifornia (up on the Grapevine that leads from LA to the San Joaquin valley), and a triple stone ring that has the bluest blue topazes that I have ever seen.

On my left hand, another turquoise cuff that was a gift from an old job, and the ring that Luke and Ashley gave me one Xmas (pre-Preston days). 

So that's about it. One of my coworkers brought the biggest bagels I have ever seen for breakfast.

That cheesy one is calling my name. Also, Doc gave me a little gift last night:

So if I disappear, you know why - Har. We can hope. 

Today's linking involves two new blogs that I found through High Latitude Style. First, there's Heather at, who is having Funky Fridays. Then, Lena, at is hosting Passion for Fashion. I hope you have a good weekend, and stayed tuned for Adam, the lottery, and my weekend shenanigans. 

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