Monday, January 26, 2015

This is the End, my Beautiful Friend

Oh, Jim Morrison, I guess it really, truly is. Tomorrow, I turn 56. That will be the end of my middle age years. I will be eating dinner at 4, followed by reruns of Murder She Wrote, followed by bedtime at 8 in my flannel nightgown and cap. And that's if I decide to live it up. NOT. HAHA. I refuse to go down without kicking and screaming. I have to stay true to form in the twilight of my life.

So, on that note, here is an outfit that will not be ignored. My boss said that he will not yell at me for wearing my pajamas to work.

I am bright, and I am comfy, so I don't care if I look like it's bedtime. The sweater is by Outlander. I bought it sometime in the early 80s - It cost $128 back then, and I remember feeling like a spendthrift for buying something nice. Oh how times have changed!! The black sweater underneath is by Clio, and the pants are Rampage. All items are very very old. Here's a closeup of the pants.
Yes, I am squatting and holding my sweater up out of the way. Also, check out the 80s era belt. I got if from Spiegel, in both fuchsia and cobalt.
And of course, I have matching fuchsia suede shoes. They are DexFlex. I am wearing black foot tubes because the top of the vamp rubs on my foot bones.
So what purse did I carry? Well, over the weekend, I treated myself and also got treated by my loved ones for the gala BD tomorrow. For my part, I got a laptop/crossbody bag and two pairs of booties. They will be revealed as I wear them. But the bag - Versace.

It matches the belt I have had for a long time. I hope it wears as well as the belt did. On my right hand

My white enamel/crystal ring from Saks, a small diamond tennis bracelet and a garnet/diamond claddagh that Doc got me in Ireland. On my left,

A couple od gold/diamond dust bracelets, and a garnet/diamond ring. So now, the piece de resistance. This is what my mom gave me for my birthday.
Flat black velvet boxes are always a good thing. Here's a closeup of this beautiful braided necklace.

And here it is, around my scrawny chicken neck.

So pretty!!! And I got another box as well.
Oh. Hell. Yes. Nothing Bundt Cakes are the best ever. Here it is, right before Doc and I ate an entire half. It's White Chocolate Raspberry.
That thick buttercream frosting is toe curling, it's so good. And that is a pool of it in the center hole of the cake. Well, that's it for Chapter One. My mother in law, Mimi, gave me four dresses from the consignment for my birthday, so I shall be rolling those out in the coming weeks. But today, since I AM NOT DEAD - yet, I am linking with Patti at for Visible Monday. I most certainly qualify.


  1. Thank you, Rosie, for linking up with SHOE AND TELL FASHION LINK UP on Style Nudge!!!
    Your fuchsia shoes are fabulous!


  2. Happy birthday, Rosie! You are so youthful, and those age numbers really are just number (my number is 59 : > ) Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, you look fab.

  3. Oh , the aches and pains are starting to settle in!!! (And that's after seeing how I look in the AM, no makeup). Argh.
