Thursday, January 15, 2015

I'm Blue, Oh So Blue......

But not because of my face!! The little procedure wasn't painful at all. We will recap this experience. Here's the waiting room of the plastic surgeon's (Dr L) office. Very soothing and elegant.

While you are waiting, you sip sparkling water. You also sit next to the biggest display of proprietary skin products that I have ever seen.

Then I went into the treatment room and kicked it in a dentist type chair while Dr L did his magic.

He has a lot of diplomas. I have been going to him for maybe 10 years. He is conservative in his recommendations, and does top quality work.

So then he dabbed the solution of 4 different acids onto my mug. It stung a little, but nothing horrible. He concentrated on the cheek area, where most of my blotches and spots live. You get a kit along with the ViPeel to care for your face. I can't resume my normal skin care routine for 2 weeks.

It has 3 Retin A towelettes for the first 3 days. Then there is a thick zinc oxide sunscreen that I must wear when outdoors. Then there is a hydrocortisone lotion because my face will probably itch as it peels. Here's a closeup of my face about 2 hours after the acid. Doc said I looked like I had a sunburn.

See the dots and the dark pigmentation on my upper lip? Buh-bye (I hope). Today my face feels like it's about 2 or 3 sizes too small - very tight and a tiny bit stingy. But I can wear all my makeup.

When I finally got home, guess what was waiting for me???

A Let's Do This Birchbox!!!! Ever since I complained, they have been magnificent at sending my box on time. Good customer service. So what was in there?

1) Aquareveal Satin Bright Soft Water Face Peel - oh no. Can't use this for a while. If I could, I would have busted it out last night.
2) Coastal Scents Revealed Palette - four neutral shadows. Yay!!
3) COOLA Environmental Repair Plus Recovery After Sun Lotion - to use after unexpected sun exposure. Perfect.
4) Whish Three Wishes Body Butter - Lavender scent.
5) Klorane Dry Shampoo with Oat Milk - for second day or post gym hair. This will come in handy.

So all the contents are perfect for someone my age. This month, I went on line and chose my box. That seems to work out better.

So, the title??? Of course, my outfit!!!

I like this one, too!!! Except for Monday, a good style week for me!!! This is an INC skirt, a cashmere turtle, and a bolero (also by INC) trimmed in little faux turquoise stones. Here's a closeup of the skirt.

Of course, I have the perfect jewelry, starting with my cross necklace from the Southwest Indian Foundation.

On my left arm, a turquoise cuff and my Swarovski Nirvana in Indolite.

On the right, a ring from Luke, Ashley and Preston and another turquoise cuff.

All turquoise c/o Doc. I wore black and blue shoes. All I can read of the brand on the insole is Bettye. There's more, but it wore off. The perils of sweaty feet.

Two links today. First, sweet Alice at for Throwback Thursday. Alice rocks. Then, a new link, Linda Lou at www.a, another classy cool lady like Alice. Show them some lovin' !!!

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