Friday, December 12, 2014

Cats, Dogs, Hippos, Giraffes....

I say this because raining cats and dogs is not accurate. We are having a huge rain storm here in California. It hit Northern Cal yesterday and moved down to us about 4 AM this morning. I have to carry flood insurance here in Huntington Beach because we have these big flood channels running through the city to take the runoff from the foothills to the ocean. Today, I am very glad I have it. Here's the picture from my famous office window.
Yipes. And here I am, in full regalia.
When I walked through the front lobby of the hospital, the receptionist said I looked like royalty in my hat. I told him , "What are you talking about? I AM royalty." Har. Speaking of said hat:
This Kentucky Derby - esque hat is made by August. I have a lot of hats, and I like to wear them, but they are always a topic of discussion. Here's the outfit that is under the Ell black satin trench.
The pants are black satin cargo pants made by Cache. They have a million pockets. They are nice thick material and are very well constructed. In this pic, you can see the pockets, and my black suede booties that I wear when it rains.
The jacket is part of a vintage suit made by Criscione. The lady who operates Return Engagement ( an HB consignment store) saved it for me when it came in, then called me and I went over and got it. It has a matching black skirt made of ponte with an ottoman weave. Here's a closeup of the detail on this beautiful suit.
For this outfit, I went with my Joan Rivers convertible necklace. It matches perfectly.
See the sequins on the turtleneck? I have the exact same one in ivory. I got them at Stein Mart years ago. It was so unique that I got both colors. I'm glad I did - they have lasted a long time, and I haven't seen anything like them since. Here's a better look.
For jewelry, I wore my white enamel and crystal ring from Saks on my right hand, and a gold/crystal cuff watch by Vernier, along with a ruby cocktail ring on my left.
Today, I am linking with Lauren at for Friday's Fab Favorites. She hosts two linkups per week, and I try to join both times. This suit, although vintage and one that I have owned for probably 10 years, is definitely a fab favorite of mine!!!

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