Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Going For The Gold

So it's back to work today, after the long weekend. But I only have a four day week, so that's a definite plus. Also, I called the city of HB, and they will be out today to clean up my tree branch and inspect my giant pine tree for disease and other loose branches. The only other emergency I am working on is this little snafu:
When Doc went to open the fridge to get a snack, the handle snapped off. I've never seen that before - he must be REALLY strong. HAHA - or really hungry. So I'm on hold right now with Fridgidaire, trying to get a replacement.

So onto my outfit, and the reason for the title of this post. Voila:

I know it doesn't look all that gold in this picture, but just wait one little second for the closeups. The pants are by Carlisle, and the top is by Loft. IT's a pinkish tan with gold lurex floral embroidery. Here's a closeup of the tie neckline with my chosen necklace of the day - a delicate gold heart with some multi gemstone accents.

You will notice that this top has cutaway shoulders, and I made a pathetic attempt to wear a racer back bra. I figure the straps add to the allure (NOT). I also had a meeting the first thing this morning, so I needed a jacket to cover up the bareness. I chose a matte gold jacket by Trina Turk.

It's kind of a short bellhop/waiter style - the bottom of my top hangs beneath it. It looks okay, not great, so I will not be wearing it for the rest of the day. It did the trick as far as professionalism goes.

So You have already seen my necklace. Onto my arms. On my left, a gold INC cuff that I got in Fort Lauderdale, and my Montana peridot ring. On my right, two gold bracelets, one with gemstones, and a custom amethyst ring that Doc gave me. You have seen all of these baubles before.

My polish is Ulta, Set the Nude. I like it for a neutral color when my nails are short, like now. For the final accessorization, the only two purchases I made over the Labor Day weekend. One is the Mondani bag I got at the Assistance League, and the other is a pair of Madden Girl elastic and cork wedges that I picked up at Macy's. The sale was just as good as on the 4th of July as far as prices go (these were $9!), but the selection was very minimal. That's okay, I managed to find something. Also, the five of us waiting for the poor harried shoe salesman to get the mate bonded and had an uproarious good time kidding around while loitering.

To end, once again, I am linking up with www.Styleelixir.com for Style Sessions. There are already a bunch of participants, so hop over and take a look!!

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