Tuesday, August 26, 2014

In The Navy

In the Navy,

Come on and join your fellow man

In the Navy,

Come on people make a stand

This inspiration brought to you by the Village People. My favorite was the Indian Chief. Yesterday was pretty boring, so nothing to show you except my outfit. So away we go.
And of course, it is navy. The skirt is by Charter Club, and it's a navy based status print pencil skirt. The top is from Coldwater Creek. I got it at the shop outside Reno. It is knit, and has an attached chiffon scarf trimmed in bugle beads. You can kinda see how it drapes down the right side of the top. Here's a closeup of the beads.

I also wore another "vintage" belt that I bought new many years ago. I ordered this one and the ivory one from some catalog. Remember how we used to get big catalogs in the mail? My favorite was always Speigel. As a kid, I loved the Sears and Montgomery Ward Christmas catalogs. I would show my parents what I hoped Santa would bring me. It worked most of the time. It still works with Doc, on occasion. Except now, I show him my laptop.

They are very similar - lots of twisted cords with gold accents. You will note that the navy one is getting a little fuzzy around the edges, probably because I wore it much more than the ivory one. I layered my necklaces today - you have seen the longer one many times. The shorter one is a squiggly line of sapphires.

This shot actually gives a pretty good look at the braided neckline on the top. It has a lot of subtle details that don't show up too well in photos. This is my favorite piece from Coldwater Creek. My arms are reruns today - on the left,a sapphire bracelet, and a gold one, and a London Blue Topaz ring, and on the right, two more sapphire bracelets, and a sapphire and diamond ring.

Since I am lacking in adventure today, I will show you my shoes and bag. The shoes are my navy satin sandals (they are Sam and Libby, and I got them for a wedding), and the bag is my Neiman Marcus freebie from a fashion show.

I am so matchy matchy today that even my nails are navy - the color is called Mezzanote Blue, and it's made by Borghese. It's one of my favorite colors, but it needs daily touchup, so by the end of the week, there are several layers and when I take it off, there are smears of blue everywhere. That's why I have a white marble master bath - bleach cleans everything!! I also chopped my nails down, because they were getting too long. We have a rule at work - your nails must be less than 1/4 " long when doing direct patient care.

Today, I am linking up with Amber at www.induffintely.blogspot.com for Tremendous Tuesday. Go take a look. Let's hope that something tremendous happens today, cuz mama is bored. See you all later!!!

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