Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Workin' In A Coal Mine, Goin' Down, Down, Down

Well, this morning, I have a deep, dark confession to make. This will start with a multiple choice quiz.

What is Rosie's terrible sin?

A) She stuck up a liquor store.

B) She put Kenni in an unmarked package and mailed him to Timbuktu.

C) She has so many shoes that she could not find the pair she was looking for.

I wish the answer was B, but alas, it's C. On Monday night, I was looking for my Sole Society sandals. I could not find them. I became irrtated and agitated. So last night, I did a closet purge. I took out every box, opened it, and assessed the contents. Then I made piles - black, brown/tan, metallic, colorful casual, colorful work, and espadrilles. Then I tossed out the ones that I would no longer wear, and put them all back in a nice orderly arrangement. I gave 6 pairs to my son to sell in his EBay store. I threw away 5 more that were damaged or crusty. The good news? I am wearing a pair of shoes that haven't seen the light of day in a looonnngg time. Behold:
This also allowed me to wear a dress that I haven't taken for a spin for some time as well. The label says Explosion. It seems to be pretty good quality because it's fully lined and has the little snaps to keep your bra straps in place. Would you like to see a close up of the shoes? Okay!!!

Oh, look, you get to see my purse as well. These are made by Wild Diva, which is an inexpensive brand that they sell in the little strip mall stores here. I feel no guilt about buying shoes that are weird if they are made by Wild Diva. Fast fashion should be fun.

Let's take a look at the necklaces I have on today.

The longer one is a ceramic apple made by Juicy Couture that I got at Nordstrom. I'm not sure they still make these, but about 10 years ago, JC made a ton of necklaces, key rings and such, that were all little ceramic depictions of fruit, animals, and other things.I have a bracelet that is a big strawberry with crystals for the seeds. The shorter one is garnet and diamond. On my left hand,

My gold and red leather cuff from INC, and a little garnet ring. On my right hand,
I have a garnet and diamond ring, and two garnet bracelets. I also have a nice hole in my pantyhose on my right knee that I have plastered down with hairspray.

So that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. By the way, if you guessed C as the answer to the pop quiz, you are a winner!!! The first prize is a slightly used MinPin who likes to be called Kenni. No returns accepted.

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