Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Headless Holtzman

So, some of you are wondering about the headless thing. I heard that it was a good idea to elimminate your head from the pictures to give at least a tiny modicum of privacy. But there is a deeper, much darker reason for my subterfuge. And I'm gonna tell you. But I might have to kill you afterwards. So if you are brave, read on.

Now I know we all change as the years pass. Exhibit A:

Year = 1989

Age = 30

Condition = Pristine. Never better. (actually, the hair is better). Exhibit B:

Year = 2014

Age = 55

Condition = Rode hard and put away wet. Ready for more torture? Exhibit C:
Closer, and with a less cadaverous expression. And what was my reaction to this side by side comparison? Exhibit D:

So the veil of mystery is lifted. The secret is out. The cat is out of the bag. From now on, you may see my lovely mug splayed across the old blog. Hope you haven't been blinded, or turned into a pillar of salt.

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