Saturday, May 10, 2014

Legally Blonde

I fit the title, because I paid for the hair color, thereby making it legal.What I was actually referring to was the fact that I never thought I would be one of those ladies running around cradling an adorable toy dog dressed in clothes. But here I am. Once, a man asked me if she was my baby substitute. Of course, I was walking for exercise, so I looked homeless, disheveled, and psychotic. And we have all been hit up on Melrose or Hollywood Blvd by the lady carrying a doll and asking for money for her baby. So we will give him a pass on that one.

Here is the primadonna principessa herself:

You will notice that she is wearing a brown crocheted number. Here she is, in her snazzy leopard onesie. The senile lady down the street thought it was her fur.(Note the pleasant expression).

When winter rolled around, I thought she needed some cold weather gear, so I got her a blue Chilly Willy type hat. Here she is, sporting it with yet another onesie, this time in cheetah. Such happiness and contentment in her expression!!!

She had an episode of tail chewing last year, so on went the cone of shame until it healed. To compensate for that humiliation, I allowed her to don her favorite - the bee suit. She actually has two of these.

Then I started playing tennis. Sooooo, naturally, Elli had to get a Polo Ralph Lauren sweater just like mommy's:

Oh, but one measley sweater is never enough!!! So she got pink argyle - how preppy!!!

And, here is a picture of my shopping cart when I bought the pink one, along with a nice fleece bathrobe. You will note that Elli likes to shop at WalMart.

And lastly, the ghetto wife beater. She actually came to me wearing this undershirt. But you will note, her expression is one of peace and tranquility. Then she met me.

And in case you thought that Elli only had an extensive wardrobe, she has an extensive blanket, toy and bowl collection. When we went to San Diego and stayed at the Gaslamp Westin, they greeted her with a bowl, a bag of kibble, a huge Milk Bone, and a little card for her crate that said "Do Not Disturb." I love the Westin. Here she is, with the toy that my friend Claudia got for her:
So that is my equally well dressed little companion. She is a pretty good sport about it in general, although I do get angry clucking when I change her clothes (she gets gamey and wears the same thing day after day, quelle horror!!)

Addendum: I am truly ill. As I was shopping for Mother's Day cards, I saw these and HAD to get them. You'd think they were shoes, the way I was salivating over them.

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