Friday, July 14, 2023

I've Been Waiting For a Girl Like You !

When our Kenni died in September, we were left with two small dogs - not much protection. After a lot of research and TikTok watching, we decided to get a chocolate Labrador Retriever. 

I looked on Craig's list and found a nice gentleman up in Whittier, California, about a half hour north of Huntington Beach. He had a yellow American Lab dam and a black English Lab sire, and they had 12 puppies. There were black ones, yellow ones and two chocolate females. His dam had two previous litters, so he sent me pictures of them. One had been in a Budweiser commercial that had aired during the Super Bowl. These are their pictures.

On June 11th, we drove up to see the pups. The two chocolates were identical in appearance, so I picked the friendliest one. She had a yellow collar. She seemed quite confused, but then again, she was only five weeks old. It was love at first sight.

She was ready to come home with us on July 1st. We named her Jacki Brown.

Here she is with some of her siblings. The other chocolate was already gone.

We wanted to give her the same food she had been getting so as to not upset her tummy and give her diarrhea. So the owner sold us a big bag of Costco puppy food.

She seemed very happy to see us and come home with us. It looked like she had doubled in size. She was quite chubby.

The ride home was fraught with squealing and unending wiggling, but we got her here and introduced her to Pandi. It wasn't hate at first sight, but Pandi was a bit annoyed with Jacki's constant pestering.

Jacki felt that she should untie my shoes at every opportunity.

We gave her a few toys to play with. She loved this plastic bone the most.

I bought a big Z pen from EBay. It is a life saver. I can set it up anywhere. In the front room, I put a plastic bin, two blankets, and food and water. She can hang out in there until we can watch her out in the yard. 

She is so pretty with her soft brown coat and her big green eyes.

At night, I bring her back into our bedroom and set her pen up there. She gets the Hungarian baby basket, a blanket, a pee pad, and food and water. She cried a few times the first night, but slept right through by night two. 

She eats three times a day. In the early morning, she will cry for water and food. 

We have to be careful and watch her when she is out in the yard. We have a pool, and even though she is a lab, she still needs to learn how to get out of the pool. She has webbed feet.

Our neighbors have a black lab that had her hip replaced and used this memory foam orthopedic bed during her recovery. She doesn't use it anymore, so they gave it to us. Jacki loves it.

She looks like roadkill in this candid sleeping shot.

We love our little Jacki Brown. I took her to the vet for her second set of shots. Labradors are my vet's favorite breed, and he told me that Jacki might just be the cutest puppy he has ever seen. He asked me to sign a release so that he can use her images in his marketing materials. So I guess I am the momager of a plus size model. Stay tuned for lots of Jacki shenanigans.

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