Okay, I realize that this is just because there was some shmear or something on the lens, but I can dream of divine intervention, can't I ?
I wore two silver herringbone necklaces with my gauzy Indian dress today.
On my right arm, a turquoise bracelet and a turquoise/ MOP ring that Luke, Ashley and Preston gave me for Christmas one year.
On my left arm, another turquoise bracelet that Doc got for me in Gorman, a town in the Cajon Pass north of LA.
Yesterday, a whole different look:
This is a top that I got at Nordstom last year - it has a surprise in the back, which I will show you in a second. the bamboo printed pants are from a garage sale or something like that.
Here's the back of the outfit - the top has mesh insets and a longer shirttale.
I wore two INC necklaces - one short, one long.
On my right arm, a giant smoky topaz that Doc calls my "old lady ring".
On my left arm, my costume turtle bracelet from EBay and my creepy green ring from Nordstrom.
www.lizzieinlace.com, www.nattygal.com, www.northwestmountainliving.com, www.threadsforthomas.com, www.shelbeeontheedge.com, www.fashionshouldbefun.com, www.highlatitudestyle.com, www.mumbastylish.com, www.alabouroflife.com, www.stylininstlouis.com, www.lifeasweknowitbypaula.blogspot.com www.goodrandomfun.blogspot.comcom, www.curlycraftymom.com, www.tipszyheelz.com, www.colorandgrace.com, www.stylelixir.com, www.apocketfulofpolkadots.com, www.jolynneshane.com, www.afiremanswife.com, www.clairjustineoxox.com, www.tinaspinkfriday.com, www.rachelthehat.com
Have a great weekend!!