Of course!!! Except, these patriotic colors are in two different outfits. Yesterday saw the red and white:
They were combined with pink and black in this Saks Fifth Avenue Black dress.
This dress has a surprise in the back !!! It is also so comfy that It feels like I'm wearing nothing.
I wore three necklaces. The shortest one is a garnet and diamond pendant.
Then we have a black pearl pendant and an amethyst drop on the longer gold ropes.
On my right arm, a leather/goldtone cuff from INC and a ruby/diamond ring.
On my left arm, my Hermes CDC and my yellow gold wedding rings.
Today, we add the blue !!
This is a vintage silk Hawaiian print top and some white DKNY jeans.
I wore the amethyst drop pendant again, along with a gold herringbone chain.
On my left arm, two pieces of vintage costume jewelry - a faux turquoise ring and a multicolored rhinestone bracelet from JBK.
On my right arm, another costume enamel ring, and a gold bracelet.
And that 's all !! Now I only have to work for 5 more hours, then I have 4 wonderful days off!!!
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