Let's start with the king of the rat killers!
Vinni caught himself a nice fat rat. He was so proud!
We went to a friend's 70th birthday party on July 20th. I wanted to get her a nice gift, so I got a Bath and Body Works candle. I asked the saleslady what the most popular fragrance is, and it was Champagne Toast. I found that one a little too subtle, so I went with the second most popular, which is Iced Dragonfruit Tea. The candle itself was also a lot prettier.
I wore the maxidress that I got at the last Savers sale.

Gilda had her party at the mobile home park that she lives in. The theme was English High Tea. There were lots of flower arrangements and lots of fancy finger food.
Gilda gifted us one of the arrangements, which were all done with teapots acting as the vases.
My Birchbox came. Inside from top to bottom:
1) Daily Concepts Daily Body Scrubber - a loofah type mitt.
2) Greenfrog Botanic Argan Oil and Rose Oil Shampoo Bar
3) Juaara Candlenut Body Creme
4) Kueshi Brillo and Volume Hair Mask
5) Polaar Nuit Polaar Revitalizing Elixir
Remember last episode, when I took pictures of the dragonfly ? Well, I memorialized him in colored pencil. I named him Puff. I still need to get him mounted and framed.
We had a tiny green grasshopper visit us! He was so cute.
On Wednesday July 24th, I went to the Orange County Fair with a friend. I wore a blue floral minidress from Presentation and my Catherine Malandrino sandals.
I started at Centennial Farms.
They had a pair of yoked oxen that guests were allowed to brush. I kept my eye on their legs and their horns.
Then I looked at the cows and saw that one had a baby calf. She was adorable but seemed fragile.
The goats seemed pretty happy.
They also had a pair of Angora goats. Check out the curly horns!
One of the hogs had a bunch of piglets that she was nursing. She was pink, but she had all colors of babies.
The sheep seemed pretty quiet and happy. All of these animals are part of the permanent collection and live at the centennial Farm.
Then I went to go see the flowers. Here are the prize-winning arrangements.
Here are the fuchsias.
These are the calla lilies.
And the beautiful roses - so many varieties!
The giant dahlias are always amazing.
For lunch, I got a Pink's Hot Dog. I got the Snoop Doggy Dog - Chili, cheese, and onions. Pink's is a world-famous hot dog stand located up in Hollywood. It was delicious.
Then I went through the Art of Music Exhibit. I saw this last year as well. It starts with the neon sign display.
Here is the giant cutout of super handsome Tom Jones. He's a girl watcher!
I like the Foo Fighters. I saw them as part of the Live Vax Concert a few years back. All sorts of first responders were gifted tickets to the huge shebang at SoFi Stadium. They were great!
Here is Sting. I saw him up at the Greek Theater in LA with my late friend Fred.
And this boy was on a U2 album - a lot of their songs are about the religious wars in Ireland.
Jimi Hendrix and Keith Richards. I saw the Rolling Stones many years ago. I didn't think they were that good, but they are iconic.
One of my favorites - David Bowie ! I saw him in concert many years ago as Ziggy Stardust, and he was fabulous!
This painting of a white horse was done by James Ward in 1826 and was titled "Adonis, a White Stallion." It was on the cover of Bryan Ferry's 1994 album "Mamouna." My friend's dad took us to see him when I was in 7th grade.
James Taylor - I saw him in Kansas City one year. What a beautiful voice he has!
Then I went to the Arts and Collectibles building. This is a collection of antique optometry equipment.
There was an organization collecting money for the troops so that they could have a "Rosie Christmas"!
The entrance to the baked goods hall had this seascape that you could pose in front of.
Here are the prize-winning cakes. They were crazy. I'm not sure that they taste good.
There were tons of chocolate chip cookies, but only two examples of sprinkle cookies.
Then I looked at the paintings and photographs. I liked this stork.
This monkey eating a banana won First Place for photos.
I thought this painting of a horse was wonderful!
I really loved these falcons in flight. That is real talent! Most of the paintings are for sale.
Then we went and saw the hogs and sheep being judged. The local 4H clubs raise livestock and then sell them at the end of the fair.
Of course there was a hog named Kevin Bacon!
There were only a few bunnies, and they were all this variety,
I liked the turkeys. The toms were more impressive, but I also liked this hen named Peanut.
The hogs hit the ring. This calico hog from La Habra was the winner. I thought he was the fattest and best-looking hog.
There were two prize-winning cattle. This is Bruno. He was raised in Orange Acres and weighs 1419 pounds.
Then there was Toby. He was also raised in Orange Acres. He is a Brahman bull and weighs 1281 pounds.
The sheep were all wearing their little coats, even though it was in the high seventies. I guess that's how they keep their wool clean for judging.
This little goat kept trying to eat my dress through the fence.
The fair was a lot of fun, and I look forward to going again next year.
The Salvation Army had one of their $2 sales on July 25th. Here is what I got, along with pictures of how much each item would have cost if I had bought them at the regular store.
First, a polyester utility style dress from the Gap. $70 retail.
Then, a J Crew Mercantile Tired Maxi Dress. $100 retail.
Next, a sheath dress from London Times. This brand is sold at Kohl's. $69 retail.
A silk shift dress from Cynthia Steffe for Cece. This brand is sold at Nordstrom. Retail $139.
To finish off the dresses, a muumuu style dress from Anthropologie. This very well-made dress was a great find. Retail $198.
I also got two pairs of shorts - both black. One is from Adidas Climalite and one is from Talbots. Retail $40 and $70.
I got a pair of white French terry joggers. The brand is Nike. Retail $70.
So, I spent $25 and got $756 worth of stuff. This is why I love the Salvation Army sales! Obviously, I would have a much harder time affording $756, but I can spend $25 without much trouble. There will probably be another sale around Labor Day weekend, and if so, I will go.
Pandi had another illness. When I got home from the fair, her left eye was all swollen and discolored. I didn't know if it was a dental abscess or a bee sting. She has had both before. So, we put her on Keflex and Clindamycin for ten days. She is getting a lot better. We were giving her medications in roast chicken pieces, but she got finicky after five days, so now she gets them in sliced roast beef and sliced turkey. I tasted the chicken to see why she was refusing it, and I agree with Pandi - it was bad!
She watched TV with me yesterday.
So, let's check out a few outfits. On July 16th, we went for our yearly eye exams. All is well. I wore a gauze skirt from Clio and an embroidered chiffon top from Bandolino. Also a lot of turquoise jewelry.
On July 17th, I went for my annual physical. I wore brown leggings from Old Navy and a fancy chiffon top from NY Collection. The doctor said that she loved my style!
On July 22nd, we went over to see Win and Mimi, because Mimi was feeling poorly. It turned out that she had pneumonia. I wore my two-piece set from Temu. Doc gave her Zithromax and Cefpodoxime, and she is feeling much better! Doc helps dogs and nice ladies!
On July 28th, I wore the new muumuu dress. I added a brown leather belt and my Skechers gladiator sandals.
Today, I wore the London Times shift. I added my favorite black and gold jewelry.
I liked how both dresses fit and looked, so two keepers! I also got a few pairs of pants for Doc and some T shirts. He has lost weight, and his old pants keep falling down.
I will end this episode with a picture of our favorite heron, Harry. We see him in the flood channel near our house, or in the office park where the goslings were raised. I am always happy when I see Harry.