On top, I have a cotton T from One World that has a chiffon overlay.
Check out the pattern on the skirt and these shoes. One of my friends had to wear them for a wedding and hated them, so they became mine. I like them.
My necklace is a convertible Joan Rivers piece with interchangeable colors, on a neck wire.
On my left arm, an enamel bangle and a chalcedony ring.
On my right arm, a blue topaz/amethyst ring, a gold bracelet, and a coral bracelet from Maui Divers in Honolulu.
Today, less crazy in the outfit, more crazy in my posing. You'll see.
This is a no name dress that I got at a Macy's clearance center almost a year ago, but never wore. Here you go.
The black satin swing jacket is from Fire Los Angeles.
This velvet lariat is one of the pieces I picked up in Portland last week.
On my left arm, a sapphire/diamond ring and two diamond tennis bracelets.
On my right arm, another sapphire/diamond ring, a tanzanite bracelet and a silver bracelet.
Now for the crazy. This is just me - I didn't try to look this stupid on purpose.
Now let's link!!! Or I will attack!!
www.shelbeeontheedge.com, www.elegantlydressedandstylish.com, www.pastriespumpsandpi.blogspot.com, www.thepleatedpoppy.com, www.idodeclaire.com, www.thejpetite.com, www.sandyalamode.com, www.stylelixir.com, www.myriadmusings.net, www.thefashioncanvas.com, www.polka-dottyplace.blogspot.com, www.colorandgrace.com, ww.rosyoutlookblog.com, www.jerseygirltexanheart.com, www.poshclassymom.com, www.pumpsandpushups.com, www.theblendedblog.com, www.clairejustineoxox.com, www.classyyettrendy.com, www.theperfectstormbffs.com
See you all soon !!!