I usually get at least one flight attendant wise crack when I wear something like this:
This is a dress from CDC. It fits perfectly and is fully lined. The scarf is Versace. Both are very old but well loved.
I was intending to use the scarf as a type of shrug, since it's so big, but that didn't quite work out. This was mostly due to my terrible scarf tying skills.
On my left arm, a stretchy crystal bracelet from Saks and my yellow gold wedding rings.
On my right arm, a costume cuff from INC and a garnet ring.
Yesterday was a completely different vibe. I wore a knit dress from Taylor.
The famous Target shoes make another appearance. These things were definitely worth the $20.
On my left arm, a turquoise bracelet, a wide eternity band and a blue topaz triple stone ring.
On my right arm, another turquoise bracelet and a diamond/sapphire ring.
Let's do some linking:
www.getyourprettyon.com, www.shelbeeontheedge.com, www.shoppingmycloset.com, www.pastriespumpsandpi.blogspot.com, www.elegantlydressedandstylish.com, www.thepleatedpoppy.com, www.thejpetite.com, www.cuteandlittle.com, www.stylelixir.com, www.myriadmusings.net, www.thefashioncanvas.com, www.colorandgrace.com, www.jerseygirltexanheart.com, www.pumpsandpushups.com, www.poshclassymom.com, www.theblendedblog.com, www.clairejustineoxox.com, www.classyyettrendy.com, www.indahnuria.com
See you all later !!!