Obviously, I will need to wear a business suit, but I sure would like to wear one with a little character. I will NOT be wearing the hobo suit that I wore for the first day of inspection a couple of weeks ago. I know what I have in mind. Let's experiment !!!
It is supposed to be in the low 80s tomorrow. So a summer-ish outfit is called for. I narrowed my options to two choices - one pants and one skirt suit. Let's check out the pantsuit first.
This is a polyester suit made by Kenar. It's hard to tell, but it is a celery green color. It's a nice suit, given to me by my sister in law, who was a trial attorney at one time, but stopped to raise her family. So since I was the same size, I inherited all the retired courtroom suits. With it, I would wear a celery/blue/white shell made by Petite Sophisticate. There is also a closeup of the print on the shell.
My second choice would be a dress ensemble that I got at Goodwill. The brand is Mossimo, and that's a Target brand.
The dress is a navy lace type fabric. Here's a closeup of that.
After debating, especially about the comfort factor, I went with the dress and jacket combo. The next choice will be ths shoes. For business, especially healthcare, closed toes are the most appropriate. I decided to wear black suede Maryjanes that are made by Candies, from Kohl"s.
They are trimmed with flat studs. I think it was last year when having these big spikes on the heel area was a popular shoe style. Due to my well recognized clumsiness, I did not follow that trend - if I did, there would have been big holes all over my ankles from that, as well as a lot of ruined pantyhose. So what jewelry did I pick to go along with this outfit?
Since the jacket has pink, tan, purple, and several shades of blue in it, I went with my statement necklace from Ebay. As I mentioned before, I think it's made of glass. The stones aren't real, at any rate. I do like how the navy shines through the glass and gives it a slightly different color. Onto my left hand
I have my Swarovski Nirvana in Indolite, and a bracelet made of amethyst, agate, and sugilite. On my right hand,
I have a matching ring and bracelet, both silver with tanzanite and diamond dust. Even though they match perfectly, I didn't buy them at the same time. I don't even think I was aware that they would match so well.
So how did this whole mess turn out? Well,take a gander:

One meeting down, two to go. The true test will be at the end of the day. Sometimes by then, I am so uncomfortable that I begin pulling off clothing the second I cross the treshhold of my front door. The shoes always get kicked off the instant I am home, even before I pick up Elli and say hello to her.
Today, I am linking up with www.katherinescorner.com for Thursday's Favorite Things blog hop. Go on over, take a look, and see what everyone has linked up. I'll fill you in tomorrow as to how the rest of my meetings go.