We had a ceiling fan, and it was huge. So I got this art glass fixture from Euro Lighting. That's where I got my master bath fixture, and it was beautiful. The only problem is that it's a bit bright, so this weekend, I will substitute amber light bulbs for the 100 watters.
Then, I had the room repainted. We have an antique breakfront that is the prettiest shade of laquered forest green with brass fixtures.
So I went with a sage color by Valspar called Tea Leaves.
It has a much more calm and serene feel than the brick red that was there.
Yesterday, it was scorching out, so I wore a skirt and silk top combo. Not only did I forget to read the brand labels, but I also forgot to put on the bracelets I had chosen. Bad fashion blogger.
The skirt is brown chiffon with green and tan diagonal stripes. I also wore my new Karen Scott Mary Janes.
I wore two necklaces with the peach charmeuse top - both are from INC, and both were purchased at Macy's in Las Vegas.
Here's a closer look at the shorter one - it's rose gold and crystals.
Today, I feel so comfy - like I am wearing pajamas.
This is an Antthony Designs top with Iman Global Chic printed knit pants.
I wore two silver necklaces - the longer one is herringbone, and the shorter one is lapis and crystals.
On my right arm, my Mom's love bracelet and an amethyst/opal ring.
On my left arm, another amethyst/opal ring, a diamond tennis bracelet, and an Italian silver bracelet.
And that's it . I didn't go to the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, but I did order one item - a GloPro Microstimulation tool. It was priced well, so I will give it a try. It is marketed as an alternative to facial fillers. We'll see. I got my Clarisonic Mia last year at the same sale.
Onto a lot of links -
www.lizzieinlace.com, www.rachelthehat.com, www.apocketfulofpolkadots.com, www.shelbeeontheedge.com, www.fashionshouldbefun.com, www.highlatitudestyle.com, www.eleganceandmommyhood.blogspot.com, www.syncopatedmama.blogspot.com, www.alabouroflife.com, www.lifeasweknowitbypaula.com, www.stylininstlouis.com, www.curlycraftymom.com, www.katherinescorner.com, www.tinaspinkfriday.blogspot.com, www.threadsforthomas.com, www.clairejustineoxox.com, www.colorandgrace.com, www.stylelixir.com, www.jolynneshane.com, www.adrilately.blogspot.com, www.afiremanswife.com, www.jaymieashcraft.com, www.theclosetbychristie.com, www.graceandloveblog.com, www.poshclassymom.com, www.sharingajourney.com, www.ohmyheartsiegal.com, www.nattygal.com, www.marilynstreats.com
Have a great weekend - I am putting together a bookcase and rearranging my knickknacks !!!