Looking to my stylist for approval - Pandi likes this version better.
She got a bit bored when I asked heer to check me out from the back.
On my right arm, an INC bracelet, and a black/white diamond ring.
On my left arm, an amethyst tennis bracelet, and a white gold wedding set.
For my astute viewers, you may have noticed the new jacket. It was one of my Mother's Day gifts.
It is grey leather and made by INC. It has the typical waterfall front. But the back is a different story.
All Venice lace !!!
Here's a closeup. Very pretty, but I imagine it will be a fortune to take to the dry cleaner.
Onto today, and another repeated outfit.
This one is identical to the way that I usually wear it. It's a scuba dress from Calvin Klein.
On top, my grey Style and Co cardi that was a purchase in Philadelphia.
My two faux turquoise necklaces were souvenirs from one of many trips to Las Vegas.
On my left arm, and INC cuff that was a souvenir from Fort Lauderdale, and my yellow gold wedding rings. I have mentioned that I like to get things I will use as souvenirs, instead of mugs and stuff like that.
On my right arm, my white enamel/crystal ring from Saks, and a blue enamel/crystal bracelet.
There you go, all evidence presented. So let's link up :
www.thepleatedpoppy.com, www.pastriespumpsandpi.blogspot.com, www.theperfectstormbffs.com, www.shoppingmycloset.com, www.elegantlydressedandstylish.com, www.thejpetite.com, www.shelbeeontheedge.com, www.idodeclaire.com, www.puckerupstyle.com, www.sandyalamode.com, www.stylelixir.com, www.thefashioncanvas.com, www.myriadmusings.com, www.colorandgrace.com, www.rosyoutlookblog.com, www.poshclassymom.com, www.pumpsandpushups.com, www.clairejustineoxox.com, www.classyyettrendy.com, www.tuckerupblogspot.com, www.getyourprettyon.com
See everyone soon !!!