Things have been really busy around here. The last time I wrote anything was December 19th. On December 20th, I had two medical appointments - one for a mammogram and one to schedule a colonoscopy. I thought I had been nice this year, but it seems as though I have been naughty. As a reward for the mammogram (thankfully, negative) I went to Pinoy and got a boatload of Pancit. It was rumbling around in my belly and was making so much noise that the GI doctor commented on it. My colonoscopy will be on January 8th - no cheese, raw veggies or red dye after the third. Boo.
Then we were flexed off at the hospital for the 21st - 25th. On the first two days, 21 and 22, I didn't do much. I am having some interior painting done, some new furniture placed and a little sprucing up - pictures to follow next post. On the 23rd, we went to a musical program with my MIL, Mimi and then had dinner with Mimi, Win, Luke, Ashley and Preston at Mimi's house. Here is what I wore:
This is a black gabardine skirt from Lili Cheung. On top, a black cashmere turtleneck from Saks, and a plaid vest from the Gap. My black suede shoes have grosgrain ribbon ties.
We had ham, tamales, nopalitos and cheesecake. We gave Preston a bunch of books and gave Ashley a book and a couple of workout tapes.

As you can see, the festivities exhausted her.
This group also received many books as gifts. We are so lucky that all of our grandkids love books and Doc loves to buy books. It works out. I also gave little Calista some of my old costume jewelry, because she likes to poke through that stuff. She is all girl.
They gave us handmade cards:
My outfit was not blog-worthy - just old sweatpants and a white terry jacket. You need comfy clothes to get down on the floor and play with kids. On Christmas Day, we went down south a bit and had a wonderful Christmas dinner with my brother Bob, his girlfriend Karin, our nephew Matt, Matt's best friend, Karin's mom Helga and her brother and his family. My brother and Karin are great cooks - we brought the beer and eggnog. This is what I wore:
I am wearing basic black leggings from Style and Co, another cashmere sweater with crystals on the neckline, hem and down the sleeves, and my new boots.
The boots are black nappa and they have a wide cuff at the top, so that it can be worn down pirate style, or up, thigh high style. They also have a silver ornament where the heel meets the foot of the boot. They are by Lewit and I got them at Nordstrom.
I wore silver herringbone chains, a garnet blossom, two garnet/opal bracelets, and my Fitbit. I have earned $110 on Amazon by exercising through our hospital app.
On December 26th, it was back to work. This is what I wore:
This sweet skirt is uncut corduroy with a ruffle of tulle at the hem. It is from Anthropologie. It's black with a green and gold cabbage rose print. I wore a forest green velour turtleneck with it, and the cute suede and ribbon shoes.
I went nuts and did the triple necklace thing that I love - emerald, faux emerald, KJL bead pendant. Diamonds and emeralds for rings and bracelet, and ubiquitous Fitbit.
On the 27th, I wore the Coach boots that I purchased in London, and have not had the occasion to wear until now. I wore them with brown Old Navy corduroy jeans, a tan turtleneck, and a tiger print sweater jacket from Charter Club.
Here's a better look at these boots - I got two cool new pairs this year. I hadn't purchased new boots for 2 or 3 years.
I spruced the look up with my LV logo belt and a smoky crystal from the Taste of Charlotte a few years ago.
On Friday, I wore a cute little dress from Philosophy de Alberta Ferretti. It is a floral print on black, and has a tie back neckline and an A line shape.
My suede shooties are from Adrienne Vittadini. It is amazing to see how much more comfy nice shoes are.
On top, I wore this black satin jacket that is part of a weird two piece set that I got at a charity sale and am not sure that I will keep, or donate back. It's strange, but very unusual, to say the least.
I wore my long Paparazzi accessories necklace/belt thing for a touch of glam.
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